Things have been crazy lately. Been spending most nights working on the MemVidia project. Spent last night trying to figure out why the new Hauppauge PVR 150 card kept blue-screening my Win2k system. No luck. Sent in a request to tech support.
Turns out there are drivers for the card for Linux, but both Fedora and Red Hat 9 don't have it by default. In an attempt to update to the latest kernel so I could get the source code, I screwed up up2date so now I can't do any more updates. Crap. The whole thing is broken. Will probably have to do a backup and rebuild the system. I've needed to rebuild it anyway, but it's still a bitch.
Also got Adobe Premier installed so I can look at how some of the other GUIs work. Premier's interface isn't bad, but I don't think it's intuitive enough. If I can't figure it out in thirty seconds, there's no chance our target audience will be able to figure it out. Will have to look at some other applications.
Talked to Jen a couple of nights ago. She's going to get me the info for her home inspector so I can get him to look into Joe's house.
"Serendipity" is on in the background. I'm such a sap.
Ok, back to work. Think I'll make myself some hot chocolate. Sis got me some kickass hot chocolate in three flavors. Yum.