Work on the project continues. Since the rock-climbing got cancelled, the company went out to a bar/restaurant tonight for a couple of hours. There was plenty of food, so I filled up and went back to the office and worked until 10:30.
Carter called tonight. Her family trip to Italy was cancelled because her aunt died unexpectedly. Will probably try to meet up with her this weekend after work. I have a whole bag of oreos with her name all over it.
On the subway to work this morning, I was giving a bit more thought to my conversation with Naomi last night. I was thinking about how I had offered to have her bring the laptop over if she still couldn't get the wireless to work and I would take a look. I was wondering to myself, why the hell would I have offered to help her out further after she called and was treating me like dirt? There's really no reason for me to go out of my way and be helpful to someone who isn't nice to me in return.
Anyway, I've talked about it enough and am going to drop it now.