Woke up in the middle of the night to a clicking noise. Turns up my Tivo was resetting continuously because of a brownout. Also noticed it was a zillion degrees in my apartment.
Woke up. Effectively no power in Astoria. Fortunately the subways are running on a modified schedule. Came in early.
Had a big breakfast: orange juice, two yogurts. For once I had some food in my fridge, thanks to Vikki, and now what remains will probably go bad. That's irony for you.
Didn't sleep well. Wish I had just taken the day off, but then I would be at home boiling in my apartment instead of feeling like crap here in the air conditioning. Such is life.
More on the NSA wiretapping scandel. Gonzales admitted that Bush denied access to the DOJ when the inquired about the program: