My apartment finally got under contract. Getting the mortgage processed this week. Started the paperwork for the Cooperative Board interview in three weeks.
Finished my taxes tonight. A bit strange having an appointment at H&R Block at 9pm on a Wednesday, but it worked out well in the end. I don't owe as much as I thought, which is a pleasant change compared to previous years.
Had dinner and Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate with Kyle last night and got caught up.
Spent most of the day again tracking down a nasty race condition. Finally nailed it after a day and a half in front of a debugger. Work has slowed down a bit this week, which is a long desired change in pace. I'm sure it will pick up again in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime it's giving me a chance to do some cleanup work and plan for the next big thing.
Need to start packing, get things in order. Find a mover. Look into finding someone to resurface the floors before I move in. Fun fun fun.