For those at work who saw yesterday's Livejournal post, I didn't have a nervous breakdown. I just took a day off. Will be back tomorrow (Wed).
Vikki came out to Queens last night after work. Dinner at the Astoria Diner. I really need to find some more places to eat (which will become easier as it gets warmer and stays light later).
Ran into Patrick outside Blockbuster last night while I was waiting for Vikki. Always astounds when I run into someone I know in New York, even though he only lives about six blocks from me.
Did some vegging in front of the TV today. Got caught up on Grey's Anatomy. Haven't watched last night's 24 yet but will probably watch it tonight. Had some food from Cosi for lunch.
It's strange -- I haven't thought about work all day. Kind of a nice feeling. I should try to do that more often (once a week would be great).
Thinking of taking a walk down Steinway Street. Will perhaps get some Hot Chocolate from Starbucks.
For those of you who have been thinking about getting a Tivo, Best Buy has forty hour units for $19.95 after a $160.00 rebate. The only catch is you have to sign up for a year's subscription.