So Vikki and I are having lunch at Gobe (vegetarian place in the Village), and we're happily eating, and the waiter seats two people at the table next to us, a middle aged man and an older woman (his mother?). Vikki kept motioning with her eyes for me to look at the man sitting directly next to me. I looked at him and didn't notice anything out the ordinary. I thought perhaps Vikki wanted me to notice how he was dressed or something. So later in the meal I get a text message. The message is from Vikki (who is sitting directly across from me), saying "You know who is next to you, right?" And I looked at her and shook my head. And so she whips out her phone and I get another text message a minute later that says "Mulder. xfiles." Then I look to my left and realize that yes, I have been sitting side by side with David Duchovny for my entire lunch.
My first celebrity sighting in New York. Or perhaps there have been others I just didn't notice in the past, because I'm so oblivious to my surroundings that I didn't notice a mainstream actor sitting twelve inches to my left.
Met up with Carter tonight. Crushed her in Scrabble by over a hundred points.