After spending the morning littering the driver with debug code trying to locate what I thought was a bug in the referencing counting, it occurred to me to just run fuser against the device file.
root@devin-desktop:~# fuser -v /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0
root 6455 f.... mplayer
root 6459 f.... dbus-launch
root 6460 f.... dbus-daemon
Looks like they integrated mplayer with dbus, but they don't close the file handles on fork() so dbus inherits the file indefinitely (since it doesn't exit when mplayer exits).
I then put "ubuntu dbus" into my search and it turns up I'm about a week behind Markus Rechberger because he appears to have already found the issue:
And he has already submitted a fix to Ubuntu:
While I'm happy it wasn't a bug in my driver, I'm a bit annoyed about spending the first half of my day off from work debugging what turned up to be an issue somebody already found and fixed.