Made some more progress on my ATSC closed captioning tonight. I broke out my old man's copy of "Fundamentals of Data Structures" from 1983 because I couldn't remember how to code a quicksort (all the memory is statically allocated to keep load down on the heap manager and minimize memory fragmentation). The experience reminded me of the days of 5am coding at the Rutgers computer lab in the basement of Hill Center (except I'm old now so 1:00am feels like 5am).
Successfully stubbed out the buffering code in a test harness, which queues up a certain time range before announcing the group to the CC decoder (modeled it after TCP sliding window). It seems to be working but I want to test it some more before I expose it to a 19Mb/second MPEG stream. I'll also want to tune the window size, which shouldn't be hard once I feed it some real data.
I'm out of energy and I'm going to Philly tomorrow after work, so I guess I'll find out if it actually works on Sunday night when I get back.